Patrick Dempsey was radically transformed by his wife

Patrick Dempsey was radically transformed by his wife

McDreamy, the unforgettable Grey’s Anatomy doctor, is getting a facelift and some fans are pissed. Actor Patrick Dempsey debuted a completely new look. what has He said goodbye to his beautiful, romance-worthy locks and shaved his head at home with the help of his wife, makeup artist and hair stylist, Jillian Dempsey.

It was she who just uploaded a video to Instagram of the Grey’s Anatomy and Disenchanted actor running the razor over his head to the edge of the scalp. “Change is good!” his wife wrote in the black and white clip. Apparently, many fans didn’t think so and used the comments to express their sadness at the loss of Patrick’s alluring locks.

“It’s not funny Jill, you made him get rid of his hero hair,” one complained. Another lamented, “Her beautiful hair.” “For heaven’s sake…why???” asked a third, while a Grey’s Anatomy follower joked, “I think this is more traumatic than Derek’s death.” One more diplomatic fan commented : “She still manages to look good in all hairstyles.”

Jillian later told People magazine that she was the one who “made the first move” in court before handing the machine over to her husband. He also said the surprise cut was “spontaneous” and provided a much-needed “rebirth” after Dempsey bleached his hair blonde to play driver Piero Taruffi in the upcoming Ferrari film opposite Adam Driver.

“Patrick recently had his hair platinum for a project and although he later touched up his hair it wasn’t the same natural salt and pepper color that we all know and love,” Jillian shared of her transformation. “In order for his color to grow back naturally, we had to give him a short, fresh start,” he concluded.