And yet Omar Sy said nothing out of the ordinary

And yet Omar Sy said nothing out of the ordinary… Liberation

Contribution by Jonathan Bouchet-Petersen

Article reserved for subscribers

In a simple sentence – “if it’s in Africa, are you less affected?” – The actor has drawn the wrath of the far right. It’s a bad process: to say that the French are more worried about wars in Europe than on the African continent is obvious.

We don’t discover it, but in the France of 2023, as in 2022, everything can be controversial. Even state the obvious. While promoting the film in which he plays a Senegalese skirmisher, Omar Sy has just paid the price. The actor, the third favorite French personality according to the latest JDD ranking, said in an interview with Le Parisien that wars affect and interest the French less when they take place in Africa than when Russia goes to a part of Ukraine just outside Ukraine invades Europe. Scandal? The extreme right, but unfortunately not only them, immediately took the floor to denounce the statements of a “starlet” living in the United States. A way of denying him any legitimacy to express himself as French.

It’s undeniable

Though she claims to do so “without controversy,” former minister and current President of the Macronist Group in the European Parliament, Nathalie Loiseau, is her