Drama in Dancing with the Stars the heartbroken tears of

Drama in Dancing with the Stars: the heartbroken tears of Milly Carlucci. The Difficult Farewell

On Friday December 23rd the winners of the show hosted by Milly Carlucci were announced. This was an exceptional output in many ways, but something during the live broadcast seems to have bothered Carlucci enough to make her move. A leak in the program affected everyone.

Drama in Dancing with the Stars the heartbroken tears of

Dancing with the Stars is over and has taken away a trail of considerable controversy. This edition was truly sensational in many respects, certainly also in terms of public and critical success. Meanwhile, it has to be said that the win was also peppered with some controversy: Luisella Costamagna and Pasquale La Rocca, returning to the competition, prevailed against all pairs in the competition.

The historical juror Wild Lucarelli, didn’t seem at all happy with this win precisely because the pair was fished out and therefore didn’t suffer from the pressure of all the other competitors in the race. Lucarelli also had much to say about the treatment she endured Friend Lorenzo, also an aspirant on the show, who, according to the journalist, was punished by the relationship between them.

To put the burden of ninety in this odd expense the expulsion of Enrico Montesano, guilty of wearing a fascist-inspired shirt, took care of that. behavior totally condemned by Rai, who bluntly decided to end the working relationship with the actor.

1672811996 542 Drama in Dancing with the Stars the heartbroken tears of

On that December 23rd, Dancing with the Stars ended amid the joy, hopes and controversy of those in the studio and the audience. A special evening, which also saw the resignation due to health problems Gabriel Garko, honored as the winner for his skills and commitment. But there’s something that shook Milly Carlucci even more that needed juggling between various awkward situations during the finale. Let’s see what happened.

The tears of Milly Carlucci

The amazing host of Dancing with the Stars faced a really sticky moment during the last beautiful episode of the Rai 1 show. Alessandro Galafati, the program’s young sound engineer, died prematurely, leaving everyone stunned.

1672811998 648 Drama in Dancing with the Stars the heartbroken tears of

These were the words Milly Carlucci addressed to her audience to remember him: A hug to the family of Alessandro Galafati, our sound engineer who unfortunately left us“. The whole studio wanted to pay homage to Alessandro with a long and intense applause for a life that ended too soon.

In short, everything really happened at Ballando con Le stelle, but between quarrels, blossoming loves and various difficulties, Carlucci reconfirms himself as a great professional in the sector, capable of surviving for so many years at the helm of such a complex show remain.