1672812448 Raped and killed his girlfriend Amber McLaughlin is the first

Raped and killed his girlfriend: Amber McLaughlin is the first transgender person to be executed in the United States

Amber McLaughlin, 49, was sentenced to death for raping and killing her ex-girlfriend and will today in all likelihood be given a lethal injection in Missouri, USA: the first transgender person to be executed in Stars and Stripes country , unless a pardon is granted.

Image from the Federal Office for Public Defenders.

Image from the Federal Office for Public Defenders.

He kidnapped, raped and killed his ex-girlfriend in 2003. Therefore Amber McLaughlin49, was sentenced to death and is likely to be sentenced to death today lethal injection in Missouri, USA: This is the first transgender person be executed in the country with Stars and Stripes unless granted Gracefulness in the last minute.

The request would have to be approved by the Republican governor of the state Mike Parsons. However, her spokeswoman Kelli Jones said the application is still under review.

According to McLaughlin’s defense attorney, a pardon should be granted for a number of factors, including traumatic childhood and the problems of Mental health and depression from which she suffers, which prompted her to attempt multiple suicides and was never heard of by the jury at the trial.

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“We think Amber showed one incredible courage because I can say there is a lot of hate when it comes to this issue,” attorney Larry Komp said Monday. According to the Anti-Execution Death Penalty Information Center, there is no known case of a prisoner being executed in the United States openly transgender.

The Story of Amber McLaughlin

In any case, it’s a story that’s getting a lot of buzz in the United States, not just because it’s the first execution of the new year, but because it’s the first time a transgender person has been sentenced to death. Amber McLaughlin She became a woman in prison.

He was known as Scott at the time of the process. McLaughlin was convicted First degree murder in 2006 for killing his ex-girlfriend Beverly Gunther at the age of 45. Neighbors of the latter alerted the St. Louis police on the night of November 20, 2003 when they did not see her return home. The agents then went to the office where he worked: they found the handle of a broken knife near his car and a trail of blood. The next day, McLaughlin led police to a location near the river Mississippiwhere she disposed of Guenther’s body.

The shadows on the trial and the verdict

2006 for the death penalty, the proof about Amber’s Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, brain injuries, childhood violence and depression, and adult suicide attempts. Additionally, the jury was not unanimous in favor of the death sentence, but rejected three of the four arguments in favor of the death penalty presented to the jury by the prosecution. In the end it was judge to decide.

The precedents in the state of Missouri

The only woman ever executed in Missouri was Bonnie B Heady, who was sentenced to death on December 18, 1953 for kidnapping and killing a six-year-old boy. Heady was executed in the gas chamber alongside another kidnapper and murderer, Carl Austin Hall. In 2022, 18 people were executed nationwide, including two in Missouri. The second execution of the year in the state is scheduled for February 7, 2023: That’s what it’s all about LeonardTaylor convicted of murdering his partner and three young children.