1673051699 Gf Vip the revelations of Daniele Dal Moro I slept

Gf Vip, the revelations of Daniele Dal Moro: “I slept with a homeless man”

You could call it a revelation for them gf vip Daniele Dal Moro. The former Tronista has shown that beyond the muscles he has a strong and incisive character. From edgy to sensitive, Daniele showed many facets, sometimes indecipherable. A few hours ago, his confession caused a stir inside and outside the house. “I have slept for more than two weeks under a pergola and outdoors with a homeless person,” reveals Daniele.

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“When I was sick I would pick up and leave the house and go out. And for two weeks I slept on the street, »said Daniele, adding that this was one of the experiences that shaped him the most. The clochard he was friends with turned out to be very personal Interesting and able to teach him something.

The history

“It all started with one Night – said the former Tronista of men and women – I was on a hump smoking a joint, there was this Clochard, he looked at me, he said a word to me. So I sat next to him and we talked for a while. I stayed there with him. Then I went back there every night for at least 15 days, I went there and stayed there with him. I fell asleep there and we slept. And we bonded a lot, he told me a lot of things I never thought he would. There is a world behind each of us. Me I remember everything he said to me.”

Today, despite life’s odds, Daniele says he’s stronger and calls himself a “crystal statue,” though he says something inside him is broken beyond repair.

Gf Vip the revelations of Daniele Dal Moro I slept

The Echo of Darkness

In Daniel inner demons and wounds coexist, leading him to show a kind of insensitivity to fear: «The thing strange is that I’ve received far more affection from the most unlikely of people than from those to whom I’ve given everything. I often got handfuls of sand from those I loved. But I don’t hold grudges and I don’t have it with anyone. Even if people don’t know it yet, I’m a crystal statue, but I’m broken. Something broke now and I’m not the same as before. Today you can’t hurt me anymore. It’s almost impossible to hurt me. You can upset me and make me angry, but you can’t hurt me. I don’t know any more fear. I am no longer afraid of diseases, problems, disappointments in love, nothing».

Last updated: Friday 6 January 2023 18:00