Paulina Rubios moving message to her mother after the cancer

Paulina Rubio’s moving message to her mother after the cancer diagnosis

Paulina Rubio reappeared on social media, sending an emotional message to her mother, the actress Susanne Dosamantesafter being diagnosed with a pancreatic cancer. Through your account InstagramThe singer shared a series of snaps from her childhood and adolescence, in which she poses with her 74-year-old mother.

“Mom, strong woman, that’s how she’s been showing me since I was born. Always cordial, full of character and with an imposing personality. Nothing ever stops you,” he wrote. “Together we move forward, my faith in your speedy recovery is unshakable. You are in very good hands, I know that the doctors who treat you do it with their hearts,” added the artist.

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He also reaffirmed the love he feels for his mother and indicated that he will accompany her at her side in the fight against this disease, hoping that they continue to smile and walk hand in hand for much longer will. “Susana I don’t need to tell you because you already know I LOVE YOU and we will keep smiling and walking hand in hand together. I know the light and prayers are with you from all of us who love you. Bobe, your grandchildren love you. All together from your beautiful Mamita hand,” he concluded.

the words of “gold girl” They moved their followers and this is shown by the comments in which they expressed all their support and good wishes to their mother at this difficult moment. “We send all the strong vibrations of health, positive energy to your mother!”, Blessings to her and all your family”, “We love you, Pau! All our light energy with you”, “quick healing for your mother who we love very much”, “everything will be fine”, “we are with you”, “all in prayer, with love and energy Pau, for your beautiful mama. We are your army of love everything will be fine,” were some of the messages sent by family friends and fans.

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Through the media, Dosamantes’ family shared details about his health condition. It is known that she is being treated at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, Florida. Regarding Rubio’s mother’s state of mind, they emphasized that she is calm and lively. “His children, grandchildren and family are united and focused on his recovery. We have full confidence in the Mexico and Miami medical staff who have extensive experience and professionalism in this type of cancer,” they said in a statement.