Mysterious accumulation of hepatitis in children 2 in Vienna

Mysterious accumulation of hepatitis in children 2 in Vienna

For several weeks, epidemiologists have been concerned about a notable increase in liver inflammation in children, the origin of which remains a mystery. Now, the first two suspected cases in Austria have also been reported. These are two children treated at St. Anna in Vienna. In total, there are only about 170 cases in Europe.

In Britain, where a cluster of hepatitis cases in children were first observed in Scotland on 5 April, a total of 108 cases were reported in the previous week. As the European disease control agency ECDC explained on Monday, the data and reporting status across countries varies greatly, meaning the actual numbers may be an underestimate. In some cases the course of these diseases is severe, in Great Britain seven children received a new liver, in the Netherlands up to three children with four cases reported.

several hypotheses

It is unclear what triggers this hepatitis. In addition to the slight increase, it is noteworthy that the classic viral triggers (hepatitis A to E) are not present. A side effect of Covid vaccination can also be ruled out, not a single one of the 108 affected children in Britain has been vaccinated against the corona virus. However, more than 70% of children have tested positive for adenovirus, but none in Denmark, where there have been six cases so far.

That adenovirus infection plays at least a role, possibly along with other factors, is the most commonly cited hypothesis at the moment. Covid protective measures, which reduced the overall infection rate, may have made children more vulnerable, but the adenovirus itself may have changed and attacked the liver more. This well-known virus is a whole group of viruses that can trigger different diseases of the eyes, the respiratory tract and also the gastrointestinal tract.

An infection with Sars-CoV-2 is also mentioned as a possible cofactor. But the spectrum of what is conceivable is still very wide, as the ECDC also announced. Even a new corona variant cannot therefore be ruled out, such as environmental influences (certain toxins). The Ministry of Health has written to all doctors informing them that they must notify suspected cases. According to the Epidemic Law, only infectious liver inflammations of hepatitis A, B, C, D and E types are notifiable. (Sir)