Madame del Grillo retraining in vaccination for a career La

Madame del Grillo, retraining in vaccination for a career La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana

The case of the singer Madame, who was hailed by the boys and investigated for wrong ideology because she had a fake green ID after never being vaccinated. Only now does she say she is ready to fix it, labeling those who haven’t been vaccinated as ignorant out of fear. What not to do to save your career. Acting as “damn” artists, as soon as Digos calls, they blame the parents.

Madame del Grillo retraining in vaccination for a career La

The new Marchese del Grillo is a Madame, from the series: “I know, I and you are not…”. For the young audience she is one of the singers of the moment. “Rappa”, a marvel coupled with the most famous rappers and with its very gendered looks, is destined to be increasingly celebrated. But now the public prosecutor’s office in Vicenza is investigating her for wrong ideology, because it was found that she had a fake green passport because she had never been vaccinated.

And what is she doing? Instead of admitting his guilt She justified herself by not getting vaccinated out of fear. The good thing is that he even raised his parents who dislike traditional medicine and fell into the trap of no-vax narrative during the Covid poorest. So she also bowed to family councils and thought it best to find a trick to undo it.

Instead of confronting public opinion and defending its opposition to the vaccine (it doesn’t need a lot of justification, the fear of an adverse effect is more than enough) he found the simplest shortcut by forging his vaccination card. And she doesn’t even think to apologize for the wrong ideology accused of her. No, he justifies it because he was scared.

Only now, with the participation in the Sanremo Festival With the gates and several record-breaking contracts under his belt, young Francesca Calearo, just 20 years old, faced a choice: choose not to get vaccinated and defend the resulting ideological falsehood and confront the no-vax stigma, or fall back on a comfortable regret in order not to appear as a dangerous anti-vaccination opponent. And it doesn’t matter if the poor parents portrayed by the young woman as poor people who don’t trust science are the ones who lose face. The suspicion that they didn’t trust vaccines – which would have had a more than plausible justification – hasn’t even touched it.

He explained in a long post that he would do all the necessary vaccinations because now she’s convinced someone really good. Who? Perhaps the Iban, since for a moment there were also those who questioned his participation in the Sanremo Festival. Or maybe the visit to the police headquarters in Vicenza, which informed her that she had been entered in the suspects’ register.

This triggered the move for Madame: the young woman even began to call the no vaxes ignorant and urged them to educate themselves and not be afraid. Off the show, reeducated and now perfectly comfortable in his new role of censor.

Unless there’s an investigation going on you might think it was a progress ad campaign for vaccination. The ingredients are all there, after all: the famous character the younger ones adore, her mistake, her redeeming herself and then becoming the testimonial of the even more evil No Vax vaccination campaign that she was also part of.

She blames herself for the fear They claim that it is justified, but the fear of the many who did not turn to the vaccine for fear of side effects was of no value, they are ignorant of Madame the Marquise’s thought. Instead, that fear actually had value as those who chose not to get vaccinated did so out of fear of an adverse effect and this is called prudence and realism as the adverse effects of Mrna vaccination are present, persistent and long lasting. Asking the thousands of victims of the Listen to Me committee for clarification, who knows, good rap about their condition won’t come of it. They’re fringe figures, after all, as the rap world likes it. Aside from the fact that the fear of No Vax, who lost their job defending their election, has no merit, that of a singer on the crest of a wave must be understood instead.

It would be interesting to ask Miss Madame who would be the infectious disease specialists who would have convinced them to get vaccinated only now after the pandemic and their boss’s investigation for their own good and that of others, now that it is established that the vaccine does not protect against contagion and it therefore cannot do anything to block the transmission of the virus. And then, with the side effects now documented beyond a doubt (if you want, Madame can take a tour of these sites too, you’ll find plenty of them), they must have been infectious disease specialists who lived on Mars.

Of course, Amadeus will decide whether or not to compete in Sanremo that he is the artistic director of the festival, although from the first statements (“it is under investigation and you are innocent until found guilty”) you will realize that he will not take too many risks.

What’s interesting is how wrong it is the tenacious temperament of certain artists, thus revealing their purely commercial nature. They present themselves to the public as cursed, capable of using their brash words to challenge prevailing conformism, singing about cops they have to escape from, and “romantic” sentiments like “My life makes me “click on my clit”,” he knows that I enjoy it”. when he presses his finger ».

You play the role of maudit. Then, as soon as Digos is buzzing at home, they run for cover to save their careers, blame their mother, sprinkle ashes on their heads with absurd justifications, and say they’re ready to redeem themselves for the good of society. And their success. The nice thing is that there are young people who believe him…

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