The 3 zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 7th

The 3 zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 7th, 2023

Lucky number 7 makes us want to go for a wild ride today and of course we are referring to today’s date: January 7th, 2023.

Three zodiac signs have rough horoscopes on this day because they work with a problematic conjunction in astrology – the Sun conjunct Mercury.

It has to be more to do real harm, but enough to set us on a course for poor communication and self-centered expression. We look to none other than the Sun conjunct Mercury for victory.

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It’s almost as if the universe wants to keep us humble since we can dare to surpass ourselves; January is so optimistic bound; We have many resolutions and goals to achieve, and some of us try to achieve them all in the first week.

Absurd, yes, but that’s the human spirit; we sometimes overtake each other. We have to appreciate being stopped mid-step, and that’s kind of what we’re going to experience today.

The more obvious problem here is that we are the ones who will stop our progress because we cannot shut up.

Sun conjunct Mercury can help us come up with some of the greatest ideas we’ve ever had, but it can also bring out our impulsive side, which means we may share our ideas too soon; so we could come off like amateurs.

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And that’s how things will turn out that day; we will have big intentions, and if we try to get our points across, we may sound like megalomaniacs on a mission. Sun in conjunction Mercury means too fast, too loud, too intrusive, too much “I, I, I!”. Remember we are in Mercury retrograde right now as if you can forget it!

The three signs of the zodiac with rough horoscopes on January 7, 2023:

1. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

Because you are full of confidence that day you feel that you could most likely influence the people around you simply because you believe in yourself and that is a really fantastic thing and most likely true.

However, during the Mercury Sun Conjunction, you may be perceived as “too much.” What you believe is that your influential approach during this transit feels more like coercion, and unfortunately you could end up doing more harm than good.

In truth, the only thing really standing in your way today is your confidence, which may sound strange but it’s the truth; You are louder than you think.

You think you’re enchanting the masses when in reality you’re just ramming your ideas down their throats. Timing is crucial here. You must check in at your own pace and discretion.

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2. lion

(July 23 – August 22)

You’re known for wowing crowds with your optimism and enthusiasm, and you’re likely to do something similar during the Sun conjunct Mercury that day. You’ve always had a knack for people, but on tricky passages you might bite off more than you can chew.

This means that because you say something today, you automatically believe that everyone is listening, agreeing, and ready to act on your behalf. They don’t even bother to consider that people are still thinking about it; Also, you have no patience for laggards.

When you realize that the people you were just trying to convince aren’t as enthusiastic as you are, you become discouraged, but not half as discouraged as you’ll feel when you realize that very few are really into it heard what you said. Today brings you false hope and too much trust in those around you.

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 – December 21)

What you will fight against today, Sagittarius, are those old voices in your head; You know, the ones that tell you nobody cares what you say. You have an idea and you really need the support of the person you want to share this idea with.

Your idea is fantastic and if all goes well you will be welcomed with open arms and tons of compliments. However, the Sun conjunct Mercury leaves you doubtful to the point where you are almost certain your idea will be rejected, and you haven’t even told anyone about it!

You are a creative force majeure, but you have twice as much inhibition and restraint for every ounce of talent. You may not feel this way every day, but you won’t get far during Mercury conjunction because you keep stopping yourself before you even get close to your goal.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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