1650948927 Nicaraguan withdrawal marks total OAS debacle analyst says 5 September

Nicaraguan withdrawal marks total OAS debacle, analyst says 5 September

Jorge Capelán, a political analyst, confirmed in Managua that Nicaragua’s exit from the Organization of American States (OAS) marks the total debacle of that organization as a ministry for colonies.

According to the expert, Managua’s exit from the above-mentioned organization strengthens the community of Latin American and Caribbean states as a mechanism for the integration of the countries of the south of the Rio Grande region without interference from the United States and Canada.

Speaking to Prensa Latina, Capelán noted that the Central American country accelerated a process announced in November 2021 when it announced its withdrawal from OAS membership.

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“The government has decided to withdraw once and for all from this institution, which is designed to interfere in our countries and to act as the United States Colonial Department,” he stressed.

He also mentioned that with this decision there are three states at the regional level, definitely outside the OAS: Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

The day before, the government of the Sandinista National Liberation Front labeled the OAS as an instrument of colonial administration and confirmed its unalterable decision to leave this organization.

Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada described the aforementioned body as the mechanism for violating rights and independence, “by sponsoring and promoting interventions and invasions, legitimizing coups in various formats and modalities.”

“We will not be present in any of the cases of this diabolical instrument of the misnamed OAS, plagued by insults, insults, humiliations, disasters and aggression, which at no time and under any circumstances reflect national values ​​and interests such as honor, glory and victories ‘ the foreign minister assured. (Latin Press)