Lets not get rid of the red cretins

Let’s not get rid of the red cretins

On the streets for liberation, but at the same time against the war in Ukraine, not too secretly for Putin and absolutely against NATO and the United States. If it weren’t for a very brief political account from yesterday, it could be a psychiatrist’s story. The patient in question is the left, which yesterday, on the day of its secular Christmas, manifested itself in all its macroscopic contradictions: Putinians and anti-Putinians, pro-Atlantic and anti-American, friends and enemies of Israel, sincere democrats and hypocrites flatterers of autocracies . .

This year, Liberation Day was again occupied by extremists, despite the many peaceful demonstrators. And it has been monopolized by a (self-proclaimed) pacifist left that cannot make peace with itself: it hates Americans, even if without Americans it would have nothing to celebrate; reveals an affected anti-totalitarianism and then hailes all the last remaining dictatorships on the globe (red or russian doesn’t matter); He swaggers the myth of resistance and then unleashes it on those who, like the Ukrainians, resist an invader tooth and nail, not just with words, slogans, flags, and songs. They want to say that April 25th is a party for everyone and that the right will make it “divisive” if they are the first to divide. The usual excited crowd who boo the Jewish Brigade every year also have their sights set on Enrico Letta this year, accused – with great originality – of being a servant of the United States. Apparently, even the leaders of the Democratic Party are already considered too right-wing to celebrate April 25 to enter the private lives of the red extremists. And that is precisely the greatest damage that the left has done to liberation: having stolen it from everyone to do it for the few, having politicized it – instead of historicizing it – so that it could then be used as a club against all movements vaguely to the right of its center of gravity. .

Next year, instead of banning NATO banners from parades (but have you ever seen a NATO flag at a demonstration?), the President of Anpi should ensure that no one sees red flags with a hammer and sickle and Putin’s big face carries . Because the climate is exactly what it takes to give the partisans (the real ones) goosebumps. If liberation is this stuff, we might as well get rid of it.