Hes doing it again Biden kisses his wife goodbye

He’s doing it again!: Biden kisses his wife goodbye

Hes doing it again Biden kisses his wife goodbye

From the President of the United States, Joe BidenMuch can be said, but what is certain is that the affection and love he has for his wife is palpable. Again, the US President was caught kissing the first lady very tenderly Jill Bidenbefore departing on one of the United States Air Force planes.

Biden kisses tenderly from his wife Jill

It is shown in the video recording Joe Biden and the first lady Jill Biden out of a helicopter of the Marine Corps and later walks down the runway with several military officers at his side, but before he leaves, the President stops to hug him Jill Biden and plant a loving kiss.

Later, Joe and Jill Biden cross some words. The first President of the United States says goodbye to her and then he walks down the runway to climb the stairs of the plane that transports him on his work trips. At the end he salutes and waves his palm goodbye.

The Bidens in Mexico

That is expected jill Arrive at 4:30pm Mexico City International Airportwhere to accompany additionally Joe Biden on the X Summit of North American Leaders will have an independent agenda from her husband.

Joe and Jill often kiss in public

This is not the first time Joe Biden says goodbye with a tender kiss the first lady jillWell, in January 2021, with the world still going through very difficult times during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Democratic leader said goodbye to her in much the same way before boarding a flight to visit wounded soldiers in Maryland.

This Sunday, January 8th, the US President began a Busy schedule. First He went to El Paso, Texas. This is his first visit to the border between the two countries since he took office almost two years ago.

Later arrive at 18:30 am Felipe Angeles International Airportwhere the President will receive you Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorbecause on Tuesday, January 10th, the X Summit of North American Leadersbut not before meeting the Mexican President and discussing bilateral issues.