He donates 75000 to underprivileged children

He donates $75,000 to underprivileged children

A Good Samaritan became the largest private donor in the history of the Center de Pédiatrie Sociale de Lévis by donating $75,000 from his late sister’s estate after being touched by an article in protocol.

“When he called to tell us about his gift, we couldn’t believe it. This means that the center can take care of 25 children for a whole year! says Maude Julien, executive director of the Center de pédiatrie sociale de Lévis.

On December 10th, while Dr. Julien’s Greater Quebec City food drive, Ms Julien told the Journal she was concerned about the impact of inflation on donations this year.

In fact, far fewer companies have raised their hand to get involved.

a switch”

Challenged by this heart’s cry, Vital Lévesque, a retired local lawyer, decided to act.

As liquidator of the estate of his sister Pauline Lévesque, who had died four years earlier, he donated whatever was left to the organization – $75,000.

“None of this would have happened without this article, it was a trigger! Nothing happens for free in life. I said to myself that I had to do something,” says Vital Lévesque when asked what prompted him to take this action.

With this donation and the previous ones, Pauline Lévesque bequeathed more than 95% of her fortune to organizations dedicated to children after her death.

“My sister is the perfect example of a person who thought of others before themselves. I want to encourage others to give something to help the less fortunate,” emphasizes the retired lawyer.

Encouraged by his sister’s gesture, she intends to donate his estate to charities after his death.

A goal far exceeded

At the Center de Pédiatrie sociale de Lévis, Mr Lévesque’s gesture is the “greatest gift of a person’s life”.

In particular, it has enabled Dr. Easily surpassed by Julien’s food campaign in the region.

“It’s always touching to see that some people, even at the end of their lives, have the will to do something for children,” says Maude Julien.

At the street fundraiser on Saturday, December 10, the organization eventually raised $55,000, despite the socioeconomic context that worried many. A total that broke the previous record of over $23,000.

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