The truth will come out Mario Roy of the

“The truth will come out” – Mario Roy of the Farfadaas –

Mario Roy, a famous member of the Farfadaas group who has spoken out against hygiene measures and is accused of mischief for blocking the Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine tunnel in March 2021, is sure in his trial starting today the to bring the truth to light. today.

• Also read: Blocked bridge tunnel: the “Farfaadas” return to court … calm

Roy also claims that the charges against the Farfadaas are “insane.” He also says he was “misunderstood”. People think we demonstrated against hygiene measures when it came to denouncing police brutality,” said the 50-year-old at the microphone of Yves Poirier.

Mario Roy is not alone in court. André Desfossés, Tommy Rioux, Steeve Charland and Karol Tardif are also charged with the same crime.

“Throughout the process you will hear from witnesses who were victims. We will demonstrate that people have already blocked 20 with pigs. We demonstrated for 5 minutes to denounce police brutality,” he explains.

Mario Roy even claims to have been the victim of death threats. “The evidence will be provided. I will submit the threats, the criminal complaint I have filed, the letter from the DPCP which although there are criminal matters there is no filing [d’accusations] indeed, and this person had tried to crush me in a convoy organized by me,” specifies the Farfadaas.

The trial of the five defendants will take place over ten days in the Montreal courthouse.

Even before the trial began, one of the defendants, André Desfossés, pled guilty to one charge of assault and believed “he wanted to move on”.

There was a conditional stay of conspiracy charges. His sentence will be delivered on April 26 at the Montreal courthouse.

Mr Desfossés has a criminal record dating back to the ’80s, ’90s and 2000s, specifically relating to domestic violence, theft and harassment. He is unemployed and has sole custody of his 12 and 11 year old children.

The incident happened in the late afternoon of March 13, 2021.

Three lanes of the northbound Louis H-Lafontaine Tunnel had been blocked by the five-minute demonstration aimed at denouncing acts of police brutality allegedly committed by police officers against anti-health protesters who met in Montreal on the same day.