1673281951 Anitta gathers Lexa Pocah and Rebecca for a concert Videos

Anitta gathers Lexa, Pocah and Rebecca for a concert. Videos! The Fuxico

It’s combative! Anitta did her precarnival show in Rio de Janeiro this Sunday, January 8th at the Riocentro. The singer gathered some famous friends to sing “Avisa Lá” from the new EP “Á Procura da Anitta Perfeita” and the hit “Combatchy”, shaking up everyone present. Who took the stage to accompany and make the Spice Girls quartet were: Lexa, Rebecca, Pocah.


Check out the moment of the performances:


Last Sunday, January 8th, singer Anitta warmed up and opened the celebrations for the carnival with “Ensaios da Anitta” at the Riocentro in Rio de Janeiro. With the “Warriors” theme for the show’s costume, the artist gathered friends and family, and those who were there were Mauro Machadothe singer’s father, who made his first public appearance together with his girlfriend, georgia ayers.

lesen+ Anitta’s show before the carnival in Salvador is all about the singer’s body. Appearance!

The pair’s relationship was made official in June 2022, but the couple met a “little while”: 10 years ago. The friendship eventually grew into something more and these days the two fell in love.

Mauro MachadoMauro Machado and Georgia Ayres in Anitta’s rehearsal (Webert Belício/AGnews)


January is a very common holiday season and although school and studies are the most important, adults tend to enjoy it at the same time, mainly because of the break that life gets with the New Year celebrations.

So did some celebrities who, after a year of work on a wide variety of projects, took the month of January to rest and take time for themselves, and a meeting of great Brazilian muses took place in the French Alps.

Read+: Lexa comments on her bad streak after resuming her marriage to Guimê

After spending a night in Courchevel, anita, Lexa, Bianca Andrade (Boca Rosa), Juliette Freire and Vivi Wanderley appeared at the location and posed in front of several snowcapped mountains, the post was published on the official Instagram profile of the owner of the hit song “Sapequinha”.

“My girls,” the singer wrote in the caption of the post. “Lindas, I loved you together these days”, “It’s just the gross domestic product of Brazil in a single photo”, “With less than 14 MILLION followers, you don’t even get on the tram”, were some of the comments made by the followers the artist.


The chic perrengue is enough for everyone! Singer Juliette and businesswoman Bianca Andrade found it difficult to board the plane for the aforementioned trip. However, they have already made a post confirming that they have bought new tickets and a day later than expected, last Monday January 2nd, they managed to board.

The destination is still unknown, but the winner of TV Globo’s “BBB 21” revealed the airline: AirPortugal. She complained that the company only warned that the flight would be canceled when the influencers were already at the airport.

“Good morning, let’s try to leave today with the power of mercy, but we will probably sleep in another country, not where we wanted to. We will lose two travel days yesterday and today. Chic perrengue runs here, postponed the flight again, they didn’t fix the plane, they chopped my yummy … But look, when I get to the snow, I’ll eat that snow. God help,” he said.

Read+: Bianca Andrade responds to the netizen who accused her of being “left out”.

Boca Rosa also released a spoiler about the location where “Snow broke LERIGOOOOU,” she said. Therefore, the place to visit must be close to Portugal and in the northern hemisphere where, unlike Brazil, it is winter at this time of the year.

When they managed to resolve the situation, Juliette thanked her: “Okay, everything worked out. We bought a ticket from another company… And when it starts like this, it’s going to be the best trip of our lives, you don’t have any expectations, but it’s going to be wonderful.” The duo then posted stories that were already on the plane and confirmed that everything went well.

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1673281944 223 Anitta gathers Lexa Pocah and Rebecca for a concert Videos

Murilo Rocha

In training in journalism at the Methodist University of São Paulo. He loves art, games, music, concerts, cinema, literature and dreams of continuing his career and achieving great heights.