Investigators from the National Organized Crime Repression Squad (ENRCO), led by the Sûreté du Québec, beat an organization late in the week that it said could produce 10,000 methamphetamine tablets an hour and was active in the Quebec and Beauce regions.
Posted at 11:35am
Detectives conducted half a dozen searches of homes, businesses and cars on Quebec’s south coast and in Beauce on Saturday and Sunday.
They got their hands on 18,000 methamphetamine pills, over 23 kilograms of crystal meth, 900 kilograms of products used in manufacturing, a pill press and other manufacturing equipment.
Police believe that with such an amount of product and equipment, the suspects would have been able to manufacture more than two million tablets.
Police also seized more than 250 grams of cocaine, more than 930 cannabis plants, more than 100 kilograms of cannabis in various forms, six long guns and brass knuckles.
Three men, aged 30, 36 and 40, were arrested but as the searches are being investigated they have been released pending further investigation.
You could potentially be charged with the manufacture, trafficking and possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.
“I pay the price”
Notably, one of the arrested suspects, Mathieu Isabelle, 36, announced his arrest himself on Facebook on Saturday.