United States secret files found in old Biden private office

United States, secret files found in old Biden private office. Trump: “The FBI is searching the homes of…

by Viviana Mazza, sent to Orlando

The documents, the contents of which are unknown, date from the period when Biden served as Obama’s vice president. The story landed in the sights of Republicans

ORLANDO — The Justice Department has hired Chicago prosecutors to investigate a dozen classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington. These are documents that belonged to Joe Biden when he was Vice President of Obama, which along with other non-confidential documents were found by his attorneys in an office that the current President was using for his activities with the University of Pennsylvania at the time of 2017 to 2019 honorary professor, where two of his children and two grandchildren studied.

How did you end up in this office? Was Biden aware of this? And if they were found on November 2, why are we just now finding out about them? The FBI was also involved in the investigation. Certainly the news is a gift for Donald Trump and for Republicans in Congress, who have already drawn a parallel between this case and that of the classified documents in Mar-a-Lago for which the former President is being investigated by the Justice Department. US regulations require individuals who have held public office to leave confidential official records with the National Archives at the end of their term.

It was Biden’s attorneys who found the documents and not the National Archives that requested them, unlike Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. The quantity (10 versus 300) and type of documents (e.g. there is no nuclear information in Biden’s) could be different. But in the climate of deep divisions between Democrats and Republicans, this becomes a political weapon. To avoid any semblance of politicizing the case, Attorney General Merrick Garland hired District Attorney John Lausch – one of two Trump-era federal prosecutors still in office (the other, David Weiss, of Delaware and investigating the president’s son, Hunter Biden). ). ) – tasked with understanding how these documents ended up at the Penn Biden Center, and he stated that based on the findings he would evaluate whether other action was needed, such as electing a special prosecutor (like this for Trump and the files had been done by Mar-a-Lago).

The former US President immediately responded on his social platform Truth. When will we see FBI raids on Joe Biden’s many homes and maybe even the White House? Certainly these documents had not been declassified. The story also caught the attention of Republicans, who now have a majority in the House of Representatives. New spokesman Kevin McCarthy called the find very worrying: Biden has these documents… and what did he say about the other president in possession of classified documents?. Biden said last September: How did this happen? How can someone be so irresponsible?

Much American media is noting the differences between the two cases: it was Biden’s attorneys who found the files and turned them over immediately, unlike the documents in Mar-a-Lago, which have been the subject of year-long inquiries from the FBI, the National Archives, were and the Ministry of Justice. When asked if the cases were different, McCarthy replied, Oh really? Only now have you found her after all these years?. Keeping secret documents after leaving the federal government does not necessarily lead to criminal prosecution. In the case of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who kept classified information on her private server, this was interpreted as a sign of negligence.

January 10, 2023 (change January 10, 2023 | 05:17)