1650986575 covid in china quotvaccination errorsquot What is behind the outbreak

covid in china, "vaccination errors". What is behind the outbreak of infections

covid in china quotvaccination errorsquot What is behind the outbreak

If the Great Wall of China” against the covid Having been in effect during the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020 and into early 2022, it now appears to be collapsing under the onslaught of Omicron variant and its subvariants, which are much more contagious than the native Wuhan virus and other coronavirus mutations. After the tens of thousands of cases observed in Shanghai in the past few days, the number of infections is now also increasing in Beijing. And it is not difficult to imagine that other cities in China will soon be affected.

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That’s why I lockdown very harshly imposed by the government and not even the Mass mandatory auditsthe closure of activities, even the deportations of positive people in prisons, complete with enforced separation between parents and underage children. The daily cases vary between 20,000 and 30,000.

But why these numbers? What’s wrong with China? The problem, experts explain, is vaccinations. In the case of older people, reports La Repubblica, there is talk of one percent of those vaccinated about 50 percent. Not only. The Chinese vaccine has very low immunity that’s about them 40 percent. Not enough to contain the epidemic. For this reason, a loss of hospitals is feared.

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