The story of an immense but difficult and thwarted love between the young and the humble Yilmaz and the beautiful Zuleyha. Istanbul, 70s. Zuleyla is a young seamstress living in Istanbul with her half brother veiland dreams of marrying her lover Yilmaza humble and hardworking mechanic who was raised by his employer after the death of his family members.
Their dreams are suddenly shattered by a cruel fate and the couple must flee to save their love. “Terra amara” is Canale 5’s hit soap that airs every day from Monday to Saturday at 2:10 p.m.
“Terra Amaro”, the plots of the week
Yilmaz He tells Mujgan his past and explains why he doesn’t want to put down his gun: The hatred between him and Demir will never end. Meanwhile, Zuleyha slowly recovers and Demir only allows her a brief meeting with Adnan, but this decision causes her further distress. Zuleyha, thinking about Yilmaz all the time, does everything to see him and Demir begins to have doubts.
Finally, Yilmaz and Mujgan They spend an evening at the open-air cinema, where Demir and Zuleyha arrive shortly afterwards: this meeting becomes a topic of conversation for both couples.