UFC All of this criticism is 100 deserved says Dana

UFC: “All of this criticism is 100% deserved,” says Dana White

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) President Dana White on Wednesday returned to the slap he gave his wife on New Year’s Eve and he wants to take responsibility for his gesture.

• Also read: UFC president was caught on camera slapping his wife during an argument

After already expressing to the TMZ website his embarrassment at his gesture committed in Mexico, the leader met with journalists on the subject on Wednesday and did not go four ways to show his moods. In his opinion, no one should come to his defense.

“One of the things I want to clarify that I haven’t discussed with TMZ, […] They are the ones defending me. There’s never an excuse for it and people shouldn’t justify it to me. There’s no explanation for that, all this criticism is 100% deserved,” he said.

The 53-year-old also said he had spoken to UFC broadcasters about a possible “sanction.” In his eyes, however, this seems difficult to apply.

“What would be the consequences? I would take 30 days off? How would that affect me? he wondered. My estrangement would harm the company, the employees and the fighters, but not me. […] I already told you I was wrong.”

“The focus has to be on the athletes [qui performent à l’intérieur de l’octogone]. These people have trained very hard to be ready for their fight. The first thing that concerns me is what happened on December 31st. It’s not her fault, it’s mine.”

The two members of the couple hit each other at a bar and then invoked their excessive drinking to explain the events in question.