He committed suicide at the age of 13 because his

He committed suicide at the age of 13 because his schoolmates told him: “You are gay”. The family: bullied for months

Another terrible story, another little boy who takes his own life when you should start enjoying life at 13. Luke lived with Golbey8 thousand and more inhabitants in the east of France, not far from Germany, attended the Louis Armand School, was enthusiastic about drawing, fashion, music and above all the singer Adèle. But last Saturday he said enough.

Young wanted to kill himself for the bullies: five suspects, two of them involved in the 13-year-old’s suicide in Gragnano

Bullying in Gragnano, 5 minors arrested: two are already under investigation for the death of Alessandro, 13, who fell from the roof of his house

Family: “Our Lucas is a victim of bullying”

According to his family, Lucas has said enough because he is a victim of homophobia and bullying to school. He felt different, Lucas. Indeed, these people – but not only boys – who made fun of this certainly smarter companion, have made him feel differently about “the sexual orientation of the adolescent”, as La Voix du Nord writes, citing what Lucas was reported by his mother and himself at a school meeting with teachers. “The situation was taken very seriously by the institute and the headmaster,” assured Valérie Dautreme, academic director of the national education service – who added – Lucas later said that things had calmed down, that he would no longer be considered for the tour”.

Instead, sadly, it wasn’t and the bullying against Lucas continued as and perhaps worse than before. And Lucas, who has long fought against the injustice he encounters every day at school, has said enough. “He was regularly harassed because of his clothes, his manner. His mother called 911 several times. The school environment, where he spent three quarters of his time, did not respond as it should have,” a relative complained.

Now authorities will launch an investigation to determine responsibilities at a school of 700 students. Lucas leaves his brother, sister, parents and everyone who loved him in pain.

Last updated: Thursday 12 January 2023 15:25