China reiterated its commitment to supporting comprehensive growth in Africa

China reiterated its commitment to supporting comprehensive growth in Africa

This was stated at a press conference by Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang following the inauguration of the new African Center for Disease Control (CDC) headquarters in that capital.

Our country stands ready and able to support the efforts of African countries to help them inspire confidence in justice, democracy, freedom and genuine multilateralism, Gang said.

In addition, he stressed, we will work to strengthen solidarity and cooperation in a wide range of areas, and “we will continue to advocate for adequate representation of African countries in the United Nations Security Council and other international platforms”.

We are committed to promoting road and rail infrastructure development for the African Free Trade Area and working with continental growth aspirations to achieve Agenda 2063, he stressed.

“China-Africa cooperation has reached historic levels over the past decade,” he said, explaining that the proof of this is the signing of the Belt and Road Initiative Cooperation Agreement by 52 countries and the African Union.

We have built hundreds of infrastructures in African countries and the African Union conference hall, the Ethiopia-Djibouti railway, the Nairobi highway (Kenya) and the ongoing CDC-Africa construction demonstrate the strength of the partnership, he said.

The Chinese foreign minister arrived in Ethiopia last Tuesday, beginning a working trip that includes visits to Gabon, Angola, Benin and Egypt.

Here he met with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat, and also attended the inauguration of CDC-Africa, the second phase of construction of which is expected to be completed soon.
