A Quebecer could become rector of the University of Geneva

A Quebecer could become rector of the University of Geneva

A professor of entomology at the University of Laval was named the next rector of the University of Geneva on Wednesday night and finds himself unwillingly at the center of a controversy over the university’s independence.

Posted at 4:50 p.m


Quebecer Éric Bauce, from the Department of Wood and Forestry Sciences, was elected Wednesday evening by the Geneva University Assembly to succeed Yves Flückiger, the current rector, who is stepping down on July 15. He was preferred to Belgian Jean-Michel Rigo from the University of Hasselt in Flanders.

However, his appointment has to be approved by the local government, which could prove difficult.

“My appointment has yet to be confirmed. But just the fact that I was selected, that we liked the project I submitted, is a great honor for me,” said Mr. Bauce in an interview with La Presse.

Mr. Bauce has extensive management experience in academia. From 2007 to 2017 he was Vice Rector of Laval University. He also ran twice unsuccessfully for the rectorate of his university.

The assembly of the University of Geneva, made up of professors from different faculties and students, welcomed the “unifying and forward-looking project” proposed by the Québecians.

A candidacy challenged by politics

“The University Assembly is convinced that Prof. Dr.

But Éric Bauce’s appointment comes in a unique context. The State Councilor for the Canton of Geneva, responsible for the Department of Education, Anne Emery-Torracinta, has publicly announced that she wants a local candidate.

“A person who is very familiar with the challenges of education and research in Switzerland and our political system. In short, a personality from the canton or at least from a high school in French-speaking Switzerland,” wrote Le Temps de Genève on Wednesday.

Eric Bauce says he is available to speak to “any Swiss elected official” who wishes to speak to him. He believes his fate will be resolved within a week.

“It’s part of academic development. I’m just looking at Laval here: the rectors come from Laval University. We can’t teach anybody,” says the man, who was born in Montpellier, France to Spanish and Italian parents before immigrating to Montreal at the age of 5.

“I can understand that with an institution that was founded in 1559 and has always been run by Swiss people, some politicians are wondering why we were looking for a foreigner,” he admits. But you have to understand that the university world is opening up to the international world. The University of Geneva is an international university. »

The autonomy of the university “violated”

The university assembly did not seem to welcome the resignation of those elected and in a press release deplored “the public positions and interference in a procedure carried out in accordance with the statutory provisions, as well as the strong media pressure exerted during the procedure”.

“This unacceptable pressure violates the autonomy of the university, which is enshrined in law. Despite this pressure, the Assembly continued its evaluation work and made its decision in full independence,” the Assembly continues.

Now it remains to be seen whether the Quebecer will be confirmed by the Council of State, i.e. the government of the canton of Geneva, or whether the elected officials will start a stalemate with the establishment.

At the start of the process, eight candidates raised their hands to replace the current Rector, all men and only one from the University of Geneva.

“The Assembly believes that the lack of female candidates is a structural problem that actually results in a relative absence of women in positions of responsibility at all levels,” the panel said in its press release.

The appointment of the new rector comes at a time when another event has rocked the University of Geneva. On December 21, a right-wing elected official was the victim of a lure attempt during an oratorical debate on Swiss neutrality.

The university decided this week to file criminal charges against the unsub for trespassing. The university “reaffirms its commitment to freedom of expression and will do everything possible to ensure its exercise”.