BBB23s Larissa Santos is the crush of Lucas Lucco and

BBB23’s Larissa Santos is the crush of Lucas Lucco and other celebrities

Recently announced by Globo as BBB23’s contestant Pipoca, it seems that even before joining the reality show, Larissa Santos was trying to gain media exposure in some way. Because along with her announcement came the information that she was flirting with her compatriot Lucas Lucco. The two even exchanged public messages on social media.

The 22yearold gym teacher and personal trainer has also been flirting with other celebrities online. But that’s another topic.

Larissa Santos is a BBB23 participant (Reproduction: Instagram)

Larissa Santos is a BBB23 participant (Reproduction: Instagram) Larissa Santos is a BBB23 participant (Reproduction: Instagram)


Larissa Santos is a BBB23 participant (Reproduction: Instagram)

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Larissa Santos is a BBB23 participant (Reproduction: Instagram)


Larissa Santos is a BBB23 participant (Reproduction: Instagram)

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Larissa Santos is a BBB23 participant (Reproduction: Instagram)


Larissa lives in Criciúma in Santa Catarina, was born in Sombrio and grew up in Balneário Gavióta. She enters the BBB23 as a single after a relationship that lasted 6 years.

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