1673581103 Covid China satellite photos reveal files outside the crematoria the

Covid China, satellite photos reveal files outside the crematoria: the number of deaths is yellow

According to the Beijing government, there are officially 40 deaths from Covid in the new wave of infections hitting the country. However, the real numbers are much higher, according to a study by the Washington Post, which used the satellite images provided by Mascar Technologies.

Satellite images outside of crematoria in China.

Satellite images outside of crematoria in China.

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The fact is now that the figures reported by the authorities on the ongoing Covid wave do not correspond to reality the WHO asked to be careful. But to thicken the yellow on the scales of infected and dead China There are some satellite images from maxar technologies, published exclusively by the Washington Post and shows long lines in front of the crematoria.

According to the American newspaper, activity around the morgues, which compares the images of December 6 to those of December 24, 2022, has increased in six different cities in the country: from Beijing to nanjing, from Cheng you to Kunmingas far as Huzhou and tangshan, suggesting a much higher volume of work than in previous months and the same period in 2021.

All confirmed by some testimonies from the Washington Post: “I’ve been working here for six years and it’s never been so crowded,” said a receptionist at a funeral home in southwest China. “THE freezers – he added – they were full, all eight incinerators were working around the clock and that phone it never stopped ringing.”

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Even from social media posts verified by The Post are revealed long waiting times and overwhelmed staff at supplemental funeral homes.

However, according to the Beijing government since December 7, the day the end of the Covid strategy zero just stopping testing, tracing and quarantine 40 people have officially died from the virus, totaling about 2,500 Chinese nationals as of January 2020.

net numbers contrast with what the star-striped newspaper observed: the analysis of the photos from the top of the district crematorium tongzhou — On the outskirts of Beijing — The Washington Post noted that the parking lot was expanded between Dec. 22 and 24 to accommodate about 100 more vehicles. In addition, the company’s staff would also have worked twenty-four hours a day at the time Burn 150 corpsesaccording to a published and now-deleted report by the state-run Beijing Youth Daily.

“As a general trend, we have seen an increase in vehicle activity and traffic in a number of funeral homes and crematoria in Chinese cities over the past month compared to the same period in previous years,” he concluded. Stefan WoodDirector of the Maxar News Bureau, always quoted by the Post, as saying “for the Communist Party and the Fuhrer Xi Jinping Evidence of an exponentially higher death toll than claimed constitutes one challenge focused on their narrative of the pandemic”.