Denunciation of Rambo Gauthier Facebook blocks Sophie Durochers account

Denunciation of “Rambo” Gauthier: Facebook blocks Sophie Durocher’s account

As we know, there are several words on the index in our time, and with good reason. Of course we think of the “N” word, but also the word used by Bernard Gauthier, the famous “T” word to designate homosexual people. And that’s good!

• Also read: In Response to Bye Bye 2022 Sketch: “Rambo” Gauthier Calls Patrick Huard a “Fag”

So what was QUB Radio host Sophie Durocher’s surprise when she realized her Facebook account had just been suspended? Why do you ask? Well, because in denouncing the unacceptable words of “Rambo” Gauthier, she wrote the famous “T” word.

“The algorithm tells me that it’s about the manifestation of hate,” explains the moderator at the microphone of Mario Dumont. I denounced Rambo Gauthier’s verbal diarrhea!”

Basically, Facebook’s artificial intelligence cannot distinguish between whistleblowing and abuse of an offensive word.

Ms Durocher recalls that Facebook once blocked the accounts of mothers who posted photos of them breastfeeding.

We must not forget that Sophie Durocher’s Facebook page is a very important working tool for her. So take it for granted! Share this article from the “Journal de Montréal”… and also this one to warn your friends. And be careful what you write!

Listen to Sophie Durocher’s explanations of the Mario Dumont Show over QUB radio.