Paris three year old girl found dead in a washing

Paris, three year old girl found dead in a washing machine

was found by her father after the family searched the home for her

A little girl who died in Paris suffocated in the washing machine at home. He was 3 years old. According to investigators, who have launched an investigation to establish the facts, the parents (there are 4 other children in the family) noticed the girl’s disappearance and searched for her everywhere in the 20th arrondissement, at home and abroad.

The father only later noticed that he was in the washing machine, which was switched off at the time. Rescuers pulled her out, but she was now in a distressed state and they were unable to revive her. At first glance – police sources told BFM TV – the little girl showed no signs of being hit.

Jan 13, 2023 (change Jan 13, 2023 | 11:36 am)