Romance for Streliski

Romance for Streliski

The wait is over. Four and a half years later inscapeAlexandra Stréliski announces the release of on March 31st neo-romanticism. The disc will distance itself from the neoclassical movement with which the pianist is often associated.

No more neoclassicism, make way for neoromanticism. Alexandra Stréliski recorded her new album mainly in Europe, more precisely in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.

In a media release, the musician reports that during this stay on the old continent she took up her family past and followed her roots – she has a French father and her family is of Polish-Jewish origin. In Paris, she also immersed herself in the compositions of the Romantic period in a library.

“I’m really a romantic in the sense that I express my inner world to better understand the world around me,” she mentions in this press release. So I focus on the idea of ​​neo-romanticism musically, but also as a form of meditation. »

Fascinated by romance

Alexandra Stréliski admits that she is “fascinated by Romanticism, the Romantics and their ‘super dark’ relationship with nature” and has wondered what it all means for our modern world.

“The past, unfettered freedom, devotion to beauty – all those big romantic themes, but expressed in a postmodern way. How can we remain in this notion despite the time of fear and disillusionment we live in? That is the premise and context of the album. »

The pianist took advantage of this announcement today to release a new single, Élégie, “a sad song full of pure love. »

The scrapbook neo-romanticismby Alexandra Stréliski, will be released simultaneously on March 31st on Secret City Records in Canada and XXIM Records in other parts of the world.