The Doubts and Worries of Edoardo Donnamaria Big Brother VIP

The Doubts and Worries of Edoardo Donnamaria Big Brother VIP | GFVIP 7 Big Brother

After discussion with Antonella, Edward find solace in it Dan, the only candidate still awake. The relationship with the model is certainly not the best, but the radio announcer has to let off steam and share his point of view. The competitor thought everything was going well between them, but things are obviously different for the fencer.

Antonella accused the boy of having changed, of not being nice to her, thoughtful of not defending her. “She said I’m not fond of her: Does that seem likely to you? I took it tonight.”

“The madness of the situation is shown by the fact that I talk to you about it,” says Edoardo, stunned, “because I’m desperate, I don’t know where to put my hands anymore.”

“I love Antonella, but my opinion is sincere: sometimes I see you very well,” says the model, convinced that love exists. “But these mood swings are too many. I understand it, I do it too, sometimes you ask because you’re bored.”

“So she’s doing it because she’s bored, dude!” Edoardo is tired and begins to doubt Antonella’s love, the competitor doesn’t feel the same enthusiasm. After the many past experiences, the old relationships, the competitor cannot understand how to do more. The radio announcer says he did everything for the fencer. “I feel that she loves you, I can’t explain it to you,” Dana continues, but Edoardo laughs, he can’t think seriously anymore.

“Do one thing: end this situation,” advises the model, trying to lead the competitor to greater concreteness. “If that has to be the perception he has of me, after all the effort I’ve put in, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to make her feel bad, but I don’t want to make her feel bad either,” says the VIP.

The radio announcer’s observations continue on other fronts as well, he is trying to understand if it is really right to continue like this, he awake and grieving, she calm in bed. Dana tries to encourage the VIP to seek a definitive solution to this relationship, but Edoardo reveals other concerns: “I’m worried about when I’m going to get out of here and find out what there is to know.” The doubts aren’t just Antonella’s, he too has his own.

The model brings another food for thought: the people surrounding the couple. The context, friendships, even enmities, affects everything and each person can change the fate of their relationship by influencing in one way or another. This too must be taken into account for the benefit of both.

The two opponents then separate at bedtime, hoping that Edoardo will find peace when he wakes up.