Beech missile system the same type used to shoot

Beech missile system – the same type used to shoot down MH17 – has been spotted in Ukraine

298 people lost their lives during the downing of flight MH17 – 80 of them were children.

Their lives ended when they left for the holidays or returned home from vacation when the plane was shot down in July 2014.

A Malaysian family of six – including four children aged 13 to 19 – were killed as they returned home.

10-year-old Ivy Olive from Perth, Australia, flew with her siblings to return to school

10-year-old Ivy Olive from Perth, Australia, flew with her siblings to return to school

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Nick Norris brought his grandchildren Mo Olive (left), 12, and Otis, eight, home after a holiday in Amsterdam

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Victims: Marniks van den Hende (left), 12, and his older brother Pierce (right), 15, were killed on board flight MH17

Tragic: Their younger sister Margo van den Hende, eight, also died in a horrific crash

Tragic: Their younger sister Margo van den Hende, eight, also died in a horrific crash

Olive’s three children from Perth; Mo, 12, Evie, ten, and Otis, eight, died with their grandfather on their way home from a family vacation in Europe.

Their parents had decided to stay in Amsterdam for a few extra days and their children survived.

Van Den Hende’s siblings, Pierce, 15, Marnix, 12, and Margo, eight, were traveling back to Australia with their parents.

Among those killed were the sons of British banker Andrew Hoare; Frizo, 12, and Jasper, 15, are going on holiday to Borneo.

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Malaysian victim Afruz Jie, 13 (left), died along with his siblings, including Afzal, 17 (right)

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Tragic: Afif Jiee, 19 (left) and his younger sister Marsha Jiee, 15 (right) flew home to Malaysia

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Sisters: Jinte Wallace (left) and her sister Amel (right) die with their two brothers and parents

Kaela Goes, 21, died with her parents while flying home in Malaysia after visiting relatives in the Netherlands

Kaela Goes, 21, died with her parents while flying home in Malaysia after visiting relatives in the Netherlands

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Departure for vacation: Dutch sisters Tess and Liv Trug were on their way to vacation in Bali with their parents

Another British father, John Allen, 44, died with his Dutch wife Sandra and their three sons, Ian, Julian and Christopher, aged 8 to 16, while traveling to Indonesia.

Among the dead were three babies, including 21-month-old Kaela Goes, who was killed along with her parents while flying home to Malaysia after visiting relatives in the Netherlands.

Two families on the same street in the Netherlands were also killed.

Tess and Liv Trg, aged ten and eight, and their neighbor Sam Wales, aged ten, died with their parents on holiday in Bali.

Five-year-old Martin Paulisen and his three-year-old sister Sri died with their parents while traveling to visit their grandmother’s grave in Indonesia.