Destroyed Bone and Wheelchair The Accident of Luciana Gimenez

‘Destroyed Bone’ and Wheelchair: The Accident of Luciana Gimenez

The 53yearold presenter was discharged last night after five days in hospital.

What is known about the accident

the accident happened on Saturday (7) in Aspen, United States, while Luciana was skiing at high speed down a steep course.

Gimenez had to be hunted down and then taken to a local hospital.

The moderator underwent emergency surgery after sustaining four fractures: two to the tibia, between the knee and ankle, and two to the fibula. Pins were placed to stabilize the tibia.

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Luciana Gimenez shows off her bandaged leg after an accident

Image: Disclosure

On Tuesday (10th) Gimenez has already started physical therapy and has been walking around the hospital with the help of nurses. On the same day he spoke for the first time in a video sent to the press.

“It was a pretty ugly accident, but my only concern at the time was that my kids were together and I didn’t want them to see that scene, which wasn’t very nice,” he said.

The presenter explained that she had not yet come because she was under the influence of strong medication and was touched to praise the treatment received.

These wonderful doctors who managed to take my completely devastated bone, put in a needle and a couple of screws and made me able to exercise, run, enjoy my children and lead a normal life again. Luciana Gimenez

High. Gimenez was sacked yesterday, but he will remain without full throttle for another six weeks. The presenter’s counselor reported that while immobilized, she will use crutches, a walker and a wheelchair to get around.

Medication is administered at home for the pain that remains and followup care is also provided by her doctors in Brazil, who have already accompanied the presenter during her hospitalization and will continue after her discharge.

There is no forecast for the presenter’s return to Brazilbecause in order to travel by plane, she must obtain medical clearance to avoid future problems that may arise from a long flight at that time.