Britney Spears nervous breakdown in the restaurant She scolds fans

Britney Spears, nervous breakdown in the restaurant: She scolds fans, the video goes viral. “What happened to her?”

It wasn’t a pleasant weekend Britney Spears. The American pop star has become the subject of a social debate due to a video in which she is seen that went viral on the internet hero: The 41-year-old was caught in the center of one on Friday evening los Angelesalong with her 28-year-old husband Sam Asgari. As soon as she crossed the threshold of the restaurant, Britney Spears quickly attracted the attention of fans, who whipped out their phones to photograph and film her. An attitude that angered the pop star…

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At dinner with her husband Sam and their bodyguard, Spears looked visibly annoyed when customers started taking pictures of her. As reported by TMZ and according to eyewitnesses, the singer began screaming and “speaking without logic.” “She was totally insane,” reads the gossip website.

An awkward reaction that forced the 28-year-old husband, probably furious at his wife’s scene, to leave the club and leave Britney Spears alone with the bodyguard. In fact, in the video that went viral, the pop star sits alone while communicating with himself and yelling at fans, then gets up and exits the restaurant, escorted by his bodyguard.

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Last updated: Sunday 15 January 2023 12:14 pm