Covid mask isolation treatments the new WHO instructions in the

Covid: mask, isolation, treatments, the new WHO instructions in the face of a wave of contamination

This Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced its new guidelines in light of the wave sweeping China and threatening the rest of the world.

No’epidemic from Coronavirus is not over. This Friday, January 13th, the BBC reports on the surreal figures published by Peking University: 900 million Chinese were infected on January 11th. As serious concerns spread across the country as the Chinese New Year approaches, fears of the emergence of variants contagious and serious makes the rest of the world tremble.

Also read:
Covid-19: WHO warns of unprecedented Chinese New Year outbreak

Faced with an unprecedented wave of contamination, theWorld Health Organization (WHO) published its new recommendations for the fight against the covid. Or rather, an update to its policies.

First, the WHO recommends strengthening the wear a mask. “Previously, WHO recommendations were based on the epidemiological situation,” the UN organization said in its statement. From now on, regardless of the local context, the mask is strongly recommended in the following situations: “After recent exposure to COVID-19, when a person has or suspects that they have COVID-19, when a person is at high risk for has severe COVID-19 and for anyone in a crowded, confined or poorly ventilated space.” But also for “local epidemiological trends or increased hospitalizations, vaccination coverage and immunity in the community and the context in which people are condition”.

Reduced isolation time

At the runtime ofisolation patients, the WHO advocates a reduction in days. It is now possible for those who present a negative test to leave isolation earlier.

Without exam, patients with symptoms can leave ten days after their appearance. Previously, the WHO advised breaking isolation 3 days after the symptoms had ended. So there is no need to wait until then.

For those who have had a first positive test but are staying asymptomaticWHO now recommends 5 days of isolation without a second control test, up from 10 days before.

Finally, in terms of treatments, WHO continues to recommend Paxlovid “in mild or moderate COVID-19 patients who are at high risk of hospitalization.”

“The WHO has also reviewed the evidence for two other drugs, sotrovimab and casirivimab-imdevimab, and strongly discourages their use to treat COVID-19. These monoclonal antibody drugs are absent or have reduced activity against currently circulating virus variants.”