They will demand the release of Argentine social leader Milagro

They will demand the release of Argentine social leader Milagro Sala

An open meeting will be held at the headquarters of the Association of State Workers in this capital to denounce the irregularities committed in Jujuy province during the trial of the leader of the Tupac Amaru movement.

In a statement, the President of the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH), Eduardo Tavani, stated that during the meeting they will denounce the complicity of the Governor of this territory, Gerardo Morales, with the Supreme Court (CSJ) in the illegalities committed against Sala.

The social leader was arrested in 2016 for allegedly inciting violence while leading a protest in Jujuy against Morales-imposed changes to the cooperative program.

She is currently under house arrest and several organizations have denounced the humiliation, abuse, persecution and attacks she was subjected to.

They also warned that his health was impaired by episodes of deep vein thrombosis.

Last December, Tupac national coordinator Alejandro Garfagnini explained that representatives of the Association of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora, relatives of the disappeared and those imprisoned for political reasons and the APDH, among others, met with President Alberto Fernández to discuss to solicit your intervention.

According to Garfagnini, the president and these organizations agreed to work with a joint team of lawyers to create an institutional framework that would allow for his release.

In an interview with the Página 12 newspaper, Sala reiterated her innocence and denounced the prosecution against her and figures such as Vice President Cristina Fernández.

In 1976, the Right disappeared and tortured people to silence them. Now he has a different method. Not satisfied with having you jailed, he psychically attacks you, your family and the militancy, he affirmed.

Two years ago I would have refused a presidential pardon because I trust the CSJ, but the judges didn’t bother to review my case and supported Morales, he said.

On the other hand, he pointed out that his health was very poor and he didn’t know how much time he had left to live.
