Hunter shoots and kills dog after mistaking him for a

Hunter shoots and kills dog after mistaking him for a coyote: family demands sanctions

On Saturday, January 7th, a family from Pennsylvania, USA, reported the murder Hunterher 8 year old alaskan malamute crossbreed who was shot by a hunter the confused him allegedly with a coyote. The family group is demanding justice and the authorities to punish those responsible.

Jennifer Heller, the owner of Hunter, who was adopted from a New Jersey animal shelter, was the one who reported the case on Facebook. She said that her husband, identified as Chris HellerHe walked his dog and another on a “very common path” near his home. Minutes later he removed the collar and let go of it, always keeping an eye on his pet.

All was quiet until they noticed the presence of a group of hunters as it was hunting season which alarmed Chris. Unfortunately, he was unable to reach Hunter as the men shot at him. Screaming, she called for help, loaded him into a pickup truck and took him to the vet, but he died on the way.

After the loss, Jennifer and Chris asked authorities to revoke the hunting permits of the person responsible for Hunter’s death, who never apologized. They also argued that since the dog is three times the size of a coyote, it is impossible to confuse it with any other animal.

Eventually, the couple started a collection through the GoFundMe platform to help cover the costs of the court case. Until now, there are 12,000 dollars; that is, he surpassed the $10,000 goal.