1673926439 Vince McMahon Reportedly Returns To WWE Office With Proposals

Vince McMahon Reportedly Returns To WWE Office With Proposals

Vince McMahon smiles

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Nothing is certain in professional wrestling. From unexpected returns to last-minute rewrites, plans can change at any time. WWE fans have felt this for years, especially with Vince McMahon at the helm, who returned to the board nearly two weeks ago and was elected executive chairman of the board just days later. In the short time since his return, several talent meetings have been hosted by WWE Chief Content Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque, emphasizing that he is still CCO and has a firm grip on creative direction. But that doesn’t mean Mr. McMahon is staying calm. In a Ringside News report, later confirmed by WON’s Dave Meltzer, the CEO was present.

It was initially said McMahon hadn’t returned to the office at all, but that wasn’t the case. Not only that, he’s reportedly unhappy with certain departments since his return. However, at the first talent meeting last Friday before WWE SmackDown, Levesque assured everyone that he was still the creative mind. However, he did mention a scenario where McMahon might suggest changes, or that people he talks to about creative direction might suggest changes, but at the end of the day, the final decision rests with Levesque.

Meanwhile, uncertainty about a potential sale lingers, as do worries among current talent. Just days after their last meeting, Levesque held another talent meetup ahead of WWE Raw to reiterate everything he said last Friday. Unless things settle down, it doesn’t seem like these current concerns will resolve overnight.