there Bulgaria can count on the interconnector with the pipeline Tap Greece, whose work will be completed next summer; there Poland on his shares. So the stop decided by Gazprom on the two countries cannot cause as much damage as is currently being assumed. Also because both countries make one very modest consumption of gasfor both heating and power generation. Poland mainly uses coal with which he 80% of its electricity production while gas accounts for a modest 5%. The heating of households in the country is guaranteed 40% coal and 20% wood with gas accounting for 17%. As for that Bulgaria Gas accounts for only 4% of heating sources and it’s almost irrelevant to power generation. The markets and companies are certainly concerned about the planning risks and the resulting reaction from the stock exchanges, but the damage could also be amortized to a certain extent by the actions of other regional players in the energy dossier. Basically opens up the possibility of developing a large riser Alternative along the Balkan ridge to get away from Gazprom.
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Russia-Ukraine war, Moscow’s provocation: Gas supplies to Bulgaria and Poland have been stopped since Wednesday. The prices are rising
Why Sofia – Sofia, which got 88% of its gas from Russia before the construction of the Tap gas pipeline, will connect to the pipeline carrying gas from Azerbaijan through Gercia to Salento by the end of July. The Greek-Bulgarian line is called Igb and is 182 km long: Work began in spring 2019 and should have been completed last December, but delays at Greek company Avax have pushed the deadline to July 2022. Due to the delays, some rumors are possible Russian infiltrationassociated with old relationships between Athens and Moscow under the Tsipras government, as the Bulgarian Vazrazhdane party claims. But now the question seems settled, also because Greece is struggling with the doubling of the deposit Revithoussa LNG and with the ability to store supplies in the northern ports of Alexandroupoli and Kavala, he is a candidate for the role of gas hub, both for the Mediterranean and for the Balkan side. Another demonstration of how much the Euro-Atlantic front is counting on Athens can be found in the About Carpathiaa very long “NATO” link that will bring vehicles and men to Lithuania from the port of Alexandroupoli to ensure the security of both the borders and the Azerbaijani pipelines in northern Greece.
Why Warsaw – Warsaw, as noted by the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, It has “gas reserves and sources of supply necessary to protect our security,” adding that storage facilities are 76% full. However, the country remains among the most important opponents of the Kremlinfor being the first to respond in a united pro-NATO and Russian anti-invasion of Ukraine. In addition, Poles have not forgotten the death of the President Lech Kaczynski, which occurred in April 2010 in a plane crash: Even today, many people speak of an attack and not of an accident. Also worth mentioning is Poland’s no to the June 2021 proposal by France and Germany to invite the Russian president Wladimir Putin at a summit meeting with European heads of state and government. A rejection that finds its reasons not only in the historical legacies associated with the Second World War with the Polish opposition to the Russian interpretation of the war conflict, but also in the current geopolitics, which sees Warsaw as the main subject of NATO on the extreme European border.
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Alternatives – Numbers and analysis pointing to Russian retaliation Bulgargaz and Pgnig certainly serious, but probably manageable in the short term and also in the medium term. In the long term, however, the exorbitant project ties in with the Eastmed pipelinewhat would link Israel in Salento: The EU Commission had already decided last November to include it in the group of projects of common interest in view of the extensive Mediterranean fields Leviathan and Zohrwhile shortly thereafter the US had downgraded it to a no longer primary project, prefer Increase in supply of American LNG in the Mediterranean Sea. Members of the Biden administration, most notably the Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, they said there was neither time nor money to support building pipelines like EastMed: “We don’t have to wait 10 years and spend billions of dollars on these things. We have to step on the gas now. And we must use gas today as a transition to a greener future. We don’t want a gas pipeline in ten years. In ten years we want to be green”.