At the opening ceremony, Ibero-American Secretary General Andrés Allamand intervened to stress the need to work together and in alliances, so that sport can be a factor of integration and an engine of development and individual and collective progress. The opening ceremony was also attended by the President of the CID (Alba Quesada, Costa Rica), the Minister of Sport and Recreation of the Dominican Republic (Francisco Camacho) and Ambassador Rubén Silié, representing the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the Ibero-American Summit and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Caribbean country.
In addition, during his visit to the Dominican Republic, one of the stops on his first official tour of Latin America, the Ibero-American Secretary General met with the President of the Spanish Higher Sports Council, José Manuel Franco, and with the Executive Committee of the CID to discuss future projects and processes that revolve around three axes: first, the importance of sport at the next Ibero-American Summits (Dominican Republic 2023 and Ecuador 2024); on the other hand, the possible creation of the figure of the Iberoamerican Sports Ambassadors was analyzed to promote physical activity and sport; and finally the idea of continuing to collaborate in the production of studies, analyzes and reports on sport and development.
In this sense, the Honorary President of the CID, Fernando Cáceres, stated during the final lunch attended by the Ministers of Sport of Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain, Paraguay, Portugal, Dominican Republic and Venezuela: “SEGIB is a strategic ally of the CID and that the meeting has strengthened the bond”.