“I think they made a mistake arresting him. For thirty years they ate us all, after thirty years it’s not good anymore,” says a man from Castelvetrano, who was interviewed after the arrest of Matteo Messina Denaro in a report about Cartabianca on Raitre, which broke his nerves in the studio pee, as well as several users on social media who immediately relaunched the video. «It pisses you off – says Pif a Bianca Berlinguer – because they once disowned each other in the 70s. When they went to the neighbor’s house Toto Riina it is obvious that they did not scold them mafia. But if in 2023 there is a gentleman who says “they made a mistake arresting him,” says vaff». In his outburst, Pif then added: «I would show you the photo of the little girl who died in Florence and I would say vaff! It disgusts me more than Matteo Messina Denaro. These people here make me more gross than the mafia because it’s not possible in 2023. Vaff!». And then the moderator presses: “Tell me the first and last name of this guy and I’ll tell him vaff! Accuse me, you are without dignity! When he sees these statements here, I get angry and there is no justification ». Pif says he’s more afraid of this gentleman, “who might not be a Mafioso” than of a real Mafioso: “That’s the disgusting thing. They disgust me more than real gangsters. But be silent, but a minimum of dignity! But with what courage do you look upon your children? But what man are you? In 2023 there is no justification for this attitude. The people of Castelvetrano She should go out, be proud and never hang out with Matteo Messina Denaro or this person. I really crowned myself, sorry ».
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