1651115331 Alessandro Sallusti vs Beppe Grillo quotstupid answers to smart questionsquot

Alessandro Sallusti vs. Beppe Grillo, "stupid answers to smart questions": yes to peace, no to suicide

Alessandro Sallusti vs Beppe Grillo quotstupid answers to smart questionsquot

Alessandro Sallusti April 27, 2022

During the debates in which I take part, I often hear interlocutors who think differently from me say a phrase that becomes a mantra: “In short, will it be possible to ask questions or not?”. Of course it is possible to ask questions is not only useful, but necessary. And indeed, my objections to their theses concern not the questions but the answers they give, mostly bizarre, rhetorical, or banal theories of good intentions. For example the question asked yesterday Beppe Grillo how to avoid that Third World War it’s obviously legitimate. But if the answer he gives is: “Let’s disarmlet’s abolish our armies like Costa Rica did’, here the tragedy takes on the contours of a farce and I really don’t think this is the time to shoot nonsense.

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Grillo’s recipe is as old as the world, even God thought of it – long before the gods appeared Five stars – when, in an outburst of misguided faith in his creatures, he placed the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, in the Garden of Eden so that humanity might live in harmony with itself and with nature. The Creator did not foresee that Eve would eat the forbidden apple, and therefore human history was different. Disarmament of Italy, Europeor even the whole world, is a brilliant idea that doesn’t take that into account original sin, so it’s comedic nonsense over the years. After all, the Five Stars are specialists in giving stupid answers to intelligent questions. Like finding the solution to social injustices in Happy Degrowth, the economic recipe for reducing unemployment in Civic Income, the immediate response to pollution in No Oil Pipelines, the weapon for victory in No Vaccines Covid pandemic. “How to end the war?” It is a necessary question, it deserves strong and immediate answers that cannot be unilaterally asked or abandoned or founded on blackmail and lies. Then wait for humanity to come to its senses Let’s keep our armies that you never know what will happen tomorrow: Human history is littered with snakes.

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