Cuba and the Summit of the Americas on the phone

Cuba and the Summit of the Americas on the phone López Obrador Biden

This would mean that Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua would take part in this edition with the same rights and obligations as the rest of the nations with whom it would really be a summit of the Americas.

Trinidad and Tobago criticizes Cuba’s exclusion from the Americas summit

The Presidents of Mexico and the US will address migration and border issues

In this city in the state of California and very close to the border with Mexico, this meeting will take place on June 8th and 9th, essentially to deal with a topic of general interest to everyone, namely emigration, although the agenda is much broader and includes health.

Precisely next Friday, at the request of the president of the northern country, Biden and López Obrador will have a telephone conversation in which, curiously enough, the applicant did not name the topics to be discussed, except that they would explicitly involve emigration from Mexico to the United States and those to the border, like the military reinforcements on the US side.

But aside from repealing or not repealing Title 42, which gives the United States the right to return to Mexico visa-denied emigrants or to delay the process of obtaining a visa, the Mexican government’s most keen interest is establish a new relationship between them North America and the South and the Caribbean.

López Obrador insists that the era of blockades is over and that vigorous and coercive measures must give way to dialogue and cooperation on the sovereignty and political forms of each government, as he recalled in the case of Cuba last year in Chapultepec Anniversary of Simon Bolívar.

Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard was very precise in this regard when he told journalists yesterday that, with a view to the Los Angeles Summit, the President of Mexico will propose that the United States consider the countries of America its allies in order to take part in the same regional development work effort.

He confirmed that López Obrador will call for the beginning of a new phase of the United States with its southern neighbors, in which not only what we have seen in the past decades, but that there is a different position of Washington, more inclusive, more respectful, more concerned and that there is investment in the region.

The proposals by López Obrador and Marcelo Ebrard are similar to the accusations made the day before by Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez about the island’s exclusion from the preparations for the IX. America Summit.

Rodríguez stressed that Washington is deceiving international public opinion about the invitations to this meeting.

A main axis of the event will be health, but on that issue an action plan for America’s health and resilience by 2030 is being opaquely negotiated, he stressed.

In this sense, the United States should take note of Ebrard’s comments yesterday, who, announcing López Obrador’s trip through Central America, Belize and Cuba, clarified that the President will discuss the acquisition of the Abdala vaccine.

Shortly before, the Undersecretary of State for Public Health Prevention, Hugo López-Gatell, stated that it is an antigen of excellent quality, safe and effective, and that its acquisition is being negotiated.

The phone call with Biden follows a resumption of immigration negotiations between Washington and Havana, on which there is no transparent position from the White House or the State Department.

What is striking is a refusal by the Biden government to extend it to the political sphere, which has been criticized in the Mexican unofficial media.

Foreign Minister Rodríguez expressed that the behavior of the United States in the case of Cuba was to cut off regular and safe channels and to prevent emigration through a policy that he described as selective and discriminatory, recalling that the United States did not comply with agreements to issue 20,000 visas per year.

He also pointed out that it is not the transit countries but the United States that puts obstacles in the way of those who wish to travel, which Mexico strongly agrees as it is one of the routes chosen by migrants to try to reach this country.
