1687910190 A blood red lake causes a stir in Japan

A blood-red lake causes a stir in Japan

A brewery on the Japanese island of Okinawa (southwest) issued an apology on Tuesday after a leak the company said was not harmful to health turned the bay of the neighboring port and its tributary into a red pond. Blood.

Orion Breweries has apologized for raising “major concern and fear” and said it was simply a harmless and commonly used brewery coolant additive, propylene glycol.

“We believe this coolant leak spread into the river via downcomers and then turned the ocean red,” the company said.

A blood-red lake causes a stir in Japan


Despite its scarlet color, the water poses no threat to human health or the marine ecosystem, the Yomiuri daily quoted the brewer as saying.

The island of Okinawa in subtropical latitudes is known for its crystal clear blue waters and is popular with diving enthusiasts.

“The water looks toxic but it’s a relief to hear it’s just food coloring and unlikely to cause any serious harm,” a certain Aresu commented on Twitter.