A comedian stands out in this shootout on Indefensible

A comedian stands out in this shootout on Indefensible – Showbizz.net

This Wednesday in the Indéfendable newspaper, viewers have certainly spotted a new, quite brilliant talent.

While we’re currently following the trial of Juvençon in a shootout that ended in murder, comedian Prinzy-Michélange Dessources, with the help of attorney Marianne Desjardins (Anne-Élisabeth Bossé), is particularly distinguished in the role of the accused, offering the ultimate in moving Transcript.

” I panicked. Killing someone is serious. I never wanted the guy to be shot. – Juvencon

The stakes in this process are high. Not only does Marianne have to confront her colleague, misogynist Me Boileau (Peter Miller), who has attempted to use her as a puppet, but she also has to endure intimidation at the hands of the other co-defendant’s brother, Pierre-Louis Auguste (Clifford Leduc Vaillancourt). Kelly (Rodney Alexandre) multiplies the threats and the disturbing looks and makes us fear the worst for the lawyer and her intern. In this process, Juvençon risks a lot, he who didn’t fire the fateful bullet.

In this context, the actor Prinzy-Michélange Dessources, to whom we owe some of the figurations and a third role in Le bonheur, gave a particularly moving testimony with tears in his eyes, explaining that his character was in this very unfortunate situation. by hanging out with a gang, but not wanting to bring about death.

Questioned by Me Hugo Janson for the defense (Éric Paulhus), Juvençon was blatantly honest, which destabilized the lawyer and was unable to keep pounding him with his questions. This led to an excellent sequence that was quite noticeable in this first year of the Indéfendable newspaper. Credit also goes to the writing team for this scene, which was both written and acted out.

It’s a safe bet that this achievement will allow Prinzy-Michélange Dessources to land other important roles. At least that’s what we want from him.

Here ends the first season of Indefensible. Note that filming for the second season is already underway.

Note that one theory is circulating heavily among followers of the series. The comedian in question comments on the rumors here.