A Cuban family with three girls crosses the Rio Grande

A Cuban family with three girls crosses the Rio Grande under the eyes of border guards

Tied with plastic cord and the minors in life jackets, a Cuban family crossed the Rio Grande on their way to freedom encrypted in the United States.

The pictures show the strong flow of the tributary in the Mexican city of Piedras Negras in the state of Coahuila.

People crossed a spot they were told was safer and they actually passed the first part without incident, up to an island in the middle of the river, the second part of the road was more risky for the man, one woman, three Girls and an old woman, but fortunately they reached the shore where members of the United States Border Police received them, even from the shore they made signs to come towards them.

At the time of this family’s crossing, the ImpactoVisión Noticias profile broadcast the moment live, even as a Mexican boat belonging to the Beta rescue groups approached to check that the Cubans were okay.

“God bless every Cuban who undertakes such a difficult journey, and not just Cubans but all emigrants fighting for a future of freedom and dignity,” warned one netizen in the comments.

In the field of live broadcasts, many Latin Americans find it strange that Cubans do not hide from the agents but turn to them, which is explained by the easier entry they have at the US borders, not only them but also Nicaraguans and Venezuelans.

The Associated Press news agency said this week that Title 42 restrictions on asylum claims at the border have been applied unevenly by nationality, depending largely on cost and diplomatic ties with countries of origin. Many migrants have been rescued, for example from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and recently also from Ukraine, the medium said.

On the other hand, an increase in people heading to the border crossings is now expected after the Joe Biden administration confirmed this Friday that on May 23 it would extend the asylum restrictions imposed by the pandemic at the border between the United States and the United States Mexico will lift coronavirus.

Since March 2020, and under the authority of Title 42, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has “requested the removal of unauthorized adult individuals and family groups arriving at the land border.”

However, the press release notes that if it stops working, it doesn’t mean more facilities to enter the US.

“Once Title 42 is no longer in effect, DHS will process individuals it encounters at the Southern Border in accordance with Title 8. This title is the standard procedure we use to place people in removal procedures. However, we know that smugglers will try to misinform vulnerable migrants in order to take advantage of them. Let me be very clear: anyone who does not have a legal basis to remain in the United States will be deported,” reads the document, signed by Cuban Alejandro N. Mayorkas, US Secretary of Homeland Security.

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