A New Jersey family got quite a surprise when they saw a photo on Facebook of their lost cat, more than 200 miles (321 kilometers) from their home.
A woman from the town of Greene, New York, first found the animal and decided to search for its owner on social media, CNN reports.
“I looked out the window and saw a cat running in the pasture,” Debbie Bates said. I wrote a post to try and find her owner and say I would keep her if no one came forward.
But much to his surprise, a lady from New Jersey contacted him.
“I thought it was really strange because I don’t know anyone who’s from New Jersey,” she said. Finally, I told my husband that we needed to call him and ask him how it was possible that we ended up with his cat.”
The lady later explained to them that her cat had accidentally jumped into a trailer that was transporting bales of hay from New Jersey.
The cat's owners then traveled to Greene to pick up their animal.