A first book for Veronique Racine La Nouvelle Union

A first book for Véronique Racine – La Nouvelle Union

Véronique Racine, who lives in the region, has just published her first book in English. The novel, entitled The Wanderer’s Quest, belongs to the author’s favorite genre, science fiction.

Although she was born in Chicoutimi and attended a French school, Véronique prefers to write in English, where there are fewer rules, she explains in a phone interview.

After settling in the region for several years, the farmer finally began to write more seriously with the publication of this first book by Olympia-Verlag. She has been writing since she was 18 but had not previously engaged in publishing. “I thought about it, but didn’t dare. I didn’t know anything about it,” she says. But a year ago, she decided to take the plunge.

Although she doesn’t think this process is all that complicated in the end, she emphasizes that the process from manuscript to publication is lengthy. And now that the book is available in print and online (at Amazon), she has to do a bit of marketing to get people to buy it, which she finds harder.

Véronique also states that she prefers to publish in English in order to reach a larger readership. “I already have texts in French,” she says again. Perhaps we’ll get a chance to read some of this in the years to come, as she always admits she finds time to write.

With her first book, she takes the reader into a world forty years in the future, in which a virus and a disease have claimed several victims. As is evident from her description, in her writings she likes to imagine what will become of the earth if things continue as they are now. An apocalyptic vision that may inspire a desire to change the way you do things and live…