A fitness queen reveals the exercises that burn calories at

A fitness queen reveals the exercises that burn calories at a crazy pace – Grazia France


Cardio training needs no introduction! If you want to lose weight, this discipline is highly recommended. And for good reason, if some practice it with the goal in mind to improve their performance or their cardiovascular systemothers use it more for that purpose burn calories. In short, it is a physical activity that allows you to stay in shape! However, be careful to choose the right exercises and not overdo them. Fitness queen Sissy Mua revealed to Gala magazine the three exercises that help burn calories quickly.

Cardio training exercises to complement our fitness journey

Cardio training is rich in disciplines. Between burpees, knee raises, mountain climbers or jumping jacks, we can't say we don't have a choice. However, with this variety of exercises, the question arises as to which ones are the most effective for burning as many calories as possible. According to Sissy Mua, here are the exercises you need to do to pulverize fat.

Jumping jacks

This exercise takes its name from the articulated doll, this wooden toy that has the peculiarity of spreading its arms and legs when the string is pulled. To do this, you need to stand up, put your feet and arms next to your body and then jump while opening your arms and legs at the same time. At the end we return to the starting position. In order to optimize the effectiveness of the exercise, the sports trainer recommends “an additional load, three kilos per hand is enough”.

Jump squats

The squats, which allow you to build the gluteal muscles, no longer need to be introduced… However, in the same genre there are also the jump squats, an exercise that consists of engaging the buttocks but also cardio. So you need to squat and spread your feet a little wider than usual, i.e. shoulder-width apart. Then you have to bend your legs 90°, push off and jump to land in the starting position, i.e. standing.

The mountaineer

Like a good climbing session, this discipline strengthens all the muscles of the body, but the exercise places particular emphasis on the abdominal muscles. To put this sequence into practice, simply position yourself facing the floor and leaning on your hands and tiptoes. The arms and legs are initially stretched before the knees are bent one after the other towards the chest. We return to the starting position, then at the same time start again with the other leg and so on.

How many times a week do you have to do cardio for it to work?

Once or twice a week, every day… Come on, we can't keep up the tension any longer! To perform at your best, you should do cardio 2 to 3 hours per week. Basically, 4 good sessions of 30 to 45 minutes per week would be enough. Now that we know how many times a week we should do this type of exercise, the question is what does it do for us? Not only does cardio exercise help improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and cancer, but it is also a good option if you want to tone your figure. As we always hear, this discipline also allows for significant fat and calorie burning. If your goal is to lose weight, this is highly recommended!

Cardio + strength training: the perfect balance for a state-of-the-art sports program

Although it is good for your health and figure to exercise regularly, there is no point in overdoing it… In fact, a rest period of 24 to 72 hours is required between exercise sessions to avoid unnecessary injuries. . In addition, it is important to vary the exercises to target different muscle groups. And according to WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations, it would be appropriate to do 150 to 300 minutes of moderate cardio exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous cardio exercise per week. In addition, the WHO recommends additional two weekly muscle strengthening sessions of moderate or higher intensity.