A four year suspension for a Quebec football player

A four-year suspension for a Quebec football player

Western University Mustangs star player Quebecer Édouard Wanadi has been banned for four years for doping.

The Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport (CCES) issued its decision Wednesday, several months after a urine sample was taken from the running back on Oct. 11, 2022. This test revealed the presence of “GW501516, a banned hormone modulator.”

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Also according to a CCES statement, the former Champlain College Cougars “waived his right to a hearing to admit the violation and consented to both the alleged violation and the proposed suspension period and any other applicable consequences.”

Wanadi, who is from Saint-Jérôme, will therefore not be able to participate in his team’s activities or in any sport that is a signatory to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program until November 9, 2026. He ranked fifth nationally in rushing yards in 2022. , with 908. During his two years with Western, he had 1,421 yards and 14 touchdowns in 19 games.

With Wanadi in uniform, the Mustangs won the 2021 Vanier Cup ahead of the University of Saskatchewan Huskies in Quebec City.