1689702051 A Fox News show for Jesse Watters Democrat mom

A Fox News show for Jesse Watters’ Democrat mom? – Richard Hétu’s blog

A Fox News show for Jesse Watters Democrat mom

Jesse Watters officially replaced Tucker Carlson on Fox News’ premier time slot, the 8 p.m. network, Monday night. Judging by the reactions on social media, the presenter was mugged by his Democrat mother, whom he invited to speak live on the phone. He didn’t seem to appreciate all of the advice she gave him during her roughly two-minute speech. He even tried to cut her off before she could say a word about “your friend from Bedminster,” better known as Donald Trump.

“Congratulations darling, we are very proud of you and what you have achieved,” said Anne Watters from the start. “Now we’re trying to make sure you keep your job. And for that I have some suggestions. Don’t fall into the conspiracy trap. We don’t want to lose you and we don’t want a lawsuit. According to the Hippocratic Oath: do no harm. We need you to be kind and respectful. […] Use your voice responsibly to drive a conversation that keeps a narrative thread going. There really has been enough Biden bashing and the laptop is outdated. You might suggest that your world is less interested in other people’s bodies, for example. »

While her son was trying to end his intervention, Anne Watters continued to suggest that he use his friendly relationship with Donald Trump to encourage him to return to television. “Anyone in your audience could wear a red cap and I’m sure the viewership would skyrocket, although it never got as big, darling, as you did on Jesse Watter’s primetime.” Good luck! »

Jesse Watters had occasionally read text messages sent to him by his mother during the other Fox News shows he hosted. But he gave her an unprecedented platform when her new show premiered. To the point where you’re wondering if Anne Watters deserves her own show on Fox News.

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Categories: United States, Media, Politics•Tags: Anne Watters, Donald Trump, Jesse Watters, Joe Biden, Tucker Carlson•