A journey into the bowels of the earth without going

A journey into the bowels of the earth without going far: an unforgettable experience less than an hour from Rome News

You don’t have to be far from Rome to venture into the bowels of the earth. The pictures are stunning.

Even when summer comes to an end, the thirst for adventure and the desire to escape the populated centers is always great. There are those who choose to go to the mountains and those who, on the other hand, choose trips to the sea or the lake; Nevertheless, there is a very tempting alternative that can be considered, given the great surprise it can cause in those who choose it.

Cave dayThe Day Inside the Earth (Instagram – visit_lazio) – Roma-News.it

It’s about a journey that can be undertaken into the bowels of the earth and is not even that far from Rome. For all residents of the capital it can be reached in less than an hour, a very convenient time and suitable for day trips outside the city. Once you arrive at this point, you leave the visible part of the earth’s crust and enter a place that enchants everyone. In fact, the Lazio region is able to make natural wonders of the highest level accessible to people.

The areas that allow this route are called Grotte di Val de’ Varri and were sponsored by the Instagram profile visit_lazio. On the institution’s account you can find wonderful snapshots that show this enchanted-looking place. Almost 850 social media users clicked the “Like” button to express their appreciation, which also seems to be clearly visible in the various comments under each post.

The bowels of the earth, just a step away from Rome

In the images shared by visit_lazio there is also a caption indicating where this fascinating place is located: “The caves of Val de’ Varri are located.” in the municipality of Pescorocchiano, in the province of Rieti”.

Caves near RomeThe caves of Val de’ Varri near Rome (Instagram – visit_lazio) – Roma-News.it

In addition, a historical reference to the discovery is also given: “They were First explored in 1929 and were only made available to the public in 2003,” the caption continues.

This is a series of tunnels with a length of up to 1800 meters, along which you can see a flowing stream. The place is truly impressive and can be a unique experience, it will certainly be difficult to remain dissatisfied. This place was restricted by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage due to some artifacts found in it. In addition, it is also a Site of Community Interest of Natura 2000, a network created by the European Union.